Rakov Jewish Martyrs
list of  Rakov Jewish Martyrs from the Yizkor book:http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/rakow/rak187.html
Murdered by the Nazi Germans & local bandits
"Memory to Volozhin Region"
published by the Volozhin Region Authorities, 1996
in Belaruss language page: 270
Rewritten in English letters by M. PoratAberazhinski Khaya with family
Alperovitsh Kalmen with family
Alperovitsh Mikhael with family
Alperovitsh Shmera with family
Alperovitsh Sholem with family
Arluk Aron with family
Arluk Mavina with family
Ayola Avrom with family
Batshte Yankel with family
Berkovitsh Leybe with Family
Bernshteyn Fayvl with Family
Bershtshan Berka with family
Beshmovitsh Hirsh with Family
Birma Leybe with Family
Botvinik Aba with family
Botvinik Avrom with family
Botvinik Dair with family
Botvinik Elka with family
Botvinik Hendel with family
Botvinik Isaak with family
Botvinik Khayim with family
Botvinik Leybe with family
Botvinik Samuyil with family
Botvinik Shmakla with family
Botvinik Tsema with family
Botvinik Yakov with family
Botvinik Yidel with family
Brunder Khayim with Family
Brunder Shloyme with Family
Darski Khayim with family
Darski rita with family
Dereviashka Levin Etka with family
Dikshteyn Mates with family
Dohin Sora with family
Evenantshik Maysey with family
Evyntshik Maysey with family
Evyntshik Nevykh with family
Fayn Guta with family
Feldman Noyma with family
Finkel David with family
Finkel Dolid with family
Finkel Fayva with family
Finkel Issak with family
Finkel Mordukh with family
Finkel Pesia with family
Fishboym Gershon with family
Gadalevitsh Shmuel with Family
Galdeshveyt Klos with Family
Gintsburg Khaya with Family
Gintsburg Shloyme with Family
Gintsburg Yosif with Family
Glezer Yankl
Gondes Siemyon with family
Grinholz Henia
Grinholz Isroel
Grinholz Maysey
Grinholz Moyshe with family
Grinholz Mula with family
Grinholz Shota
Grinholz Yankel
Gurvitsh Avrom with family
Gustshe Feya
Halperin Isroel with Family
Harbuz Leyzer with Family
Harbuz Yankl with Family
Hatlibovits Zorakh with Family
Henia with family
Hertsovits  with Family
Itskhayim Aba with family
Izlanor Riya with family
K(S)hneyder with family
Kagan Mikhl with family
Kagan Moyshe with family
Kagan Riva with family
Kaganovitsh Beysha with family
Kagyn Wolf with family
Kalibatski Riva with family
Kantorovitsh Khayim Hirsh with family
Kantorovitsh Moysey with family
Kantorovitsh Nakhama with family
Kantorovitsh Rubin with family
Kantorovitsh Ruven with family
Kantorovitsh Shmera with family
Kantorovitsh Tevl with family
Kantorovitsh Yankl with family
Kapalitski Ela with family
Kaplan Hirsh with family
Kaplan Israel with family
Kaplan Maysey with family
Kaplan Moysha with family
Kaplan Sholam with family
Kaplan Toyba with family
Khlit Aba with family
Kikritovitsh Avram with family
Kikritovitsh Sioma with family
Kissiel Borukh with family
Krasnoselski Wolf with family
Kukus Audin with family
Kurtshenkh with family
Kuznitsov Kafyel with family
Kvartal Mota with family
Latareytshik Zalmen with family
Levin Ester with family
Leybovitsh Sioma with family
Linkevitsh Vossip with family
Lirshin Berka with family
Lirshin Sara with family
Mael Avrom with family
Matshnow Khayim with family
Matshnow Lazar with family
Merin Samuil with family
Metalitski Hirsh with family
Metalitski Sara with family
Milakowski Avram with family
Misevey Estera with family
Perelman Fania with family
Perelman Fruma with family
Perelman Leyba with family
Pertski Raya with family
Pogulanski Moyshe with family
Pogulanski Yossif with family
Pozniak Samuil with family
Pozniak Vossip with family
Pupkin Khana with family
Pupkin Mikhl with family
Pupkin Sassif with family
Pupko Sira with family
Purman Maysey with family
Rabinitsh Khaya with family
Rakowshtshik Raina with family
Rashkem Moysha with family
Raykhilson Samuil with family
Reyer Mendl with family
Riskin Avram with family
Rozow Rufa with family
Rozow Yankel with family
Rubilnik Hirsh with family
Rubilnik Samuil with family
Rubilnik Shmerka with family
Rubilnik Tevel with family
Rubinshteyn Lea with family
Sagalovitsh Fayva with family
Sagalovitsh Hirsh with family
Sagalovitsh Khayim with family
Sagalovitsh Shaya with family
Shabshinski Maysey with family
Shabskevitsh Khana with family
Shapiro David with family
Shepshayevitsh Leya with family
Shfeyn Yankl with family
Shneller Minia with family
Shneyder Israel with family
Shnitman Khana with family
Shreynhlts Mordukh with family
Shteyn Khayim with family
Shurman Hirsh with family
Sulski Maks with family
Sulski Sonia with family
Sulski Vosip with family
Taler Ela with family
Teyer Lea with family
Trotski Leyzer with family
Trotski Yakov with family
Tsharnow Fania with family
Tsukerman Khana with family
Turman D. with son
Turman Hirsh with family
Turman Yankl with family
Voynov Yudl with Family
Yakhis Yankel with family
Zalman Raya with familyThe fascists had set on fire and burnt to death in Rakow: 179 families, 928

Mikhalova hamlet
near Rakov
Ginzburg, born 1874
Ginzburg Leyze Berkavitsh, born 1911
Ginzburg Sheyne Berkavna, born 1904Palatshanka hamlet
near Rakov
Goldberg Yerukham Zelik's son, b. 1870
Goldberg Zelda, b. 1919
Goldberg Liba, Yeruhim's daugh., b. 1912
Goldberg Tsila, Meyir's daugh., b. 1941
Goldberg Yuda, born 1875
Rolnik Marka, Leyzer's daug. B., 1930
Rolnik Esia, Yerukhim's daug. B., 1903

The destruction of Rakov Jews
Report written in August 1945
Translated From "MEMORY" Volozhin Region's Book in Belarussian language
The committee head: Svitko I.T. - Committee members: Yatskaviets I.D., Kirzov
P.M., Nissinov M.F., Garshkov, Lavrishkov, Batalin submitted this report about
the crimes done by the Fascist occupants in the Radushkovits Region.
Witnesses: Rutkovska Leonida B., Gerasimovitsh, Grinholtz Vosip, Isakovitzh,
Grinholtz Aron, Davidovitsh.
The witnesses reported that on June 14 th , 1942, the Germans had assembled
forty-five Jews in Rakov, as if to work. They were led to Baruzints two
kilometers from Rakov. The Germans gave them shovels and ordered to dig pits.
After the pits were ready, the Germans placed the forty-five captives facing
the pits and shot them with machine guns.
The same year on August 29 th the Germans assembled all the Rakov-Ghetto Jews,
forced them to dig pits, afterwards they counted hundred and five persons and
ordered them to lie in those pits. All of them were shot at the gendarme
Drobel's command.
The Jews who survived were led to Rakov. On the way they were ordered to sing
and to dance. Satisfied by the concert, the murderers forced all the captives
to lie down with their faces to the soil. At the gendarme Ferverg's command
they were shot, each according to the killers' choice. One of the bandits cut
the physician's head off with his axe because he was not satisfied with the
victim's song. Also in this Action, one hundred and five persons were killed.
On, February 4 th , 1942, the Politsay commander Mikhal Ziankevitsh ordered
all the Jews to assemble on the synagogue courtyard with their belongings for
departure to Minsk. When the Jews assembled they were ordered to put all the
valuables aside and to enter the synagogue. Some of them tried to go back, but
they were beaten to death with rifle shafts. Crying children were pierced by
rifle bayonets and thrown over the crowded heads. The synagogue doors and
windows were blocked with nailed planks. The murderers spilled gasoline on the
walls and set the building on fire. Nine hundred twenty eight Jews were burnt
to death on that winter day in the Rakov synagogue.